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These supposed Malaysia Airlines aircraft door turns wood - The object that is supposedly one of the doors on Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 reportedly found in the waters of Vietnam . The object was found at the same location with the findings of the oil spill which is about 90 kilometers from the island of Tho Chu , Vietnam .

But that information was wrong . Objects suspected the plane door was in fact a bundle of wooden piles .

" It is a bundle of wood that looks like a clone tukun , " said Director General of the Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia ( DCA ) Datuk Azharuddin Abdul Rahman was quoted as saying the Malaysian media , , Monday ( 10/3 ) .

Datuk Azharuddin Abdul Rahman admitted that he had contacted the relevant Vietnamese finding the door initially suspected aircraft that Malaysia Airlines MH370 . Vtnam Party finally stated that there has been no findings related to Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 missing since last Saturday it .

Previously Deputy Head SAR Vietnamese claimed to have found one of the suspected object Malaysia Airlines MH370 door . The object was found at the same location with the findings of an oil spill that is 90 kilometers from the island of Tho Chu , Vietnam .

" From the findings of this object is expected , we hope to find the missing aircraft , " said Vo Van Tuan cited

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